I was down in their basement one day this past winter, when I saw her. A beautiful old dresser. I fell in love.
I said to my husband, "Do you know what your dad was going to do with it? Do you think he'd sell it to me?" His reply, "I don't know, go ask him."
I hustled upstairs to find out. He'd pulled it out of an old house he'd bought. He was going to hire someone to refinish it for him and try to resell it. When I asked him how much he wanted for it, my mother-in-law piped up and said, "Just take it!"
Um, ok...you don't have to tell me twice.
And just like that she was mine. For free. Woo hoo!
I've never refinished a piece of furniture before. I'm don't know what kind of work I'm in for, but I'm sure it will be worth it!
Look at that great hardware! (She's missing one pull. If anyone knows where I can find one to match, please let me know!)
And, she has casters! I think they might be my favorite part.
And look at those curves. Wonderful.
She's been out in the extra garage since before we moved into the house. The rest of the remodel and moving have been the priority. I'm hoping to get to her later this summer. I can't wait to show her to you all prettied up!

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