I am soooo ready for spring to get here.
To bring a little spring into the house, I made a quick and easy little project today. Remember the blocks I did for Valentine's Day? Well, they were cut from a 2x4 and were only three of like 10-12 blocks ( I can't remember how many are left out in the garage).
I didn't want to do Easter specific blocks, so I decided on a spring theme.
April showers bring May flowers. Get it? I thought I was being pretty clever.
I started by sanding down the rough edges of the blocks. (This was done in the nice, cool garage. With my jacket on.)
Then, I brought them in and put them on my work surface. (Also known as a flattened out Bud Light box on my kitchen island. Oh, how I dream of the day when I have my craft room!)
Next, I painted them Antique White (cream) with craft paint. I put two coats on two sides, and three coats on the sides I was going to put the decorations on. I didn't bother painting the bottoms. In between coats of paint, I cut out shapes using my Silhouette and scrapbook paper that I already had. The equals sign was a little puny to begin with, so I decided to layer two different kinds of paper to make it.
(I'm still learning how to use my Silhouette and I know I'm not using it in the most efficient way, but practice makes perfect right?)
Next, I put on the umbrella, equal sign and flowers with Mod Podge. About half way through, I decided the sides needed a little bit of detail as well, so I used my Fiskars straight cutter and cut squares to fit the other two sides of the blocks and Mod Podged them on as well. (Is Mod Podged a word? Hmmm.)
At this point, they still looked like the could use a little something, so I used a distressing ink and just rubbed the ink pad on the edges and wiped it off with a paper towel.
Here are my lovelies, on the window sill with my awesome Celtic scentsy warmer (Green Tea and Cactus is the current scent. Loverly). And of course, a bunch of snow is in the background. I've been changing the order of the blocks every time I walk by. Right now, the umbrella and equals sign are swapped. I'm sure I'll change them again tomorrow.
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