When I saw this wreath from A Pumpkin and A Princess, I pinned it right away because I knew I wanted to make one like it!

I went to round up some materials. First stop, was the Dollar Store. They had NADA. I don’t know if some are better than others, but ours doesn’t have anything for wreaths or floral or craft stuff. Ticks me off. Luckily, right next door is Hobby Lobby and I had a coupon. (I love that I can just show them the email on my phone for the coupon! Love it!)
(If I’d been thinking while I was at the Dollar Store, I would’ve picked up a pool noodle to use as a wreath form ala Thrifty Décor Chick.)
Anywho, I ended up getting what I needed and was ready to get started.
I started by cutting the moss into strips, then began the oh-so-fun process of hot gluing it around the wreath. Moss is messy. It gets EVERYWHERE. And, you will burn your fingers. Unless, you are a smarty like me and use a tool other than your fingers to press the moss on the wreath. My tool of choice? A pencil. It was there AND it worked like a charm.
Once I got all of the moss glued on, I stuck in the butterflies. I didn’t glue them, I just poked them into the wreath form.
(I almost got fuschia butterflies instead of the pale yellow. They would've looked great. Maybe I still will since they are just poked into the form.)
I'd never worked with sheet moss before (the paper backing surprised me) and was glad that I got the big roll and not the small package. I ended up using almost the whole thing. I know I already said it's messy and you'll burn your fingers, BUT it looks so cool once it's done! It took me about an hour and the mess and burns were all worth it.
I hung it using a little white ribbon over the buffet in our front room to add a nice little spring touch.
Also, on the buffet is a poem about the seasons I wrote back in junior high. I found it while cleaning out and organizing the basement. I typed it up and stuck it in a frame. I’m thinking I can change out the background paper for the season and keep it around all year long.
Along with the poem is a vase filled with lentils and moss with some fake flowers shoved in it, an old Norwegian bible that came from Sparky’s grandparents house, my fat little bird and cake stand with a little greenery under a cloche.
(I am purposefully not mentioning the silver touch desk lamp. It’s temporary until I get a bigger one. I have one ready to be spray painted that I got at a thrift store, but I can’t decide on a color. Or if I want to use that one there. Decisions, decisions.)
I don't anticipate changing this up much over the summer. Maybe a couple of tweaks here and there. We did pick up a mirror from a friend of my SIL's that will look great over the buffet. I just need to give a coat of spray paint. At some point, I also need to do something about the hardware on the buffet. One is broken and one doesn't match the rest. It just hasn't bothered me enough to do anything about it. Yet. Oh, and the lamp. Hopefully a different lamp. Hmmm, so maybe it will change a bit over the summer. We'll see how ambitious I get.