I also didn't want to spend any money. This bizarre thing has happened since I started this whole blogging thing. I can't believe it's possible, but I've gotten cheaper. I look at stuff in stores and think, "Huh, I could make that." And don't buy it. And most of the time, I don't make it either, because that would take planning and thinking and right now, I don't seem to have the time for either of those things.
But, I digress...back to my chirpy little birds.
I had a set of pictures from our old bathroom back in Colorado. They didn't fit the style of the house at all, but I figured I could repurpose them somehow, so hung onto them.
Here they are in all their glory.
Pretty standard bathroom art you can buy pretty much anywhere. Not horrible, but not what I wanted.
I tore them apart. Poor things didn't stand a chance. And I didn't take any pictures. I have no idea why. Sigh.
Anyway, I got them down to the bare frames and glass. Then, I primed them and spray painted them chrome with some spray paint I bought years ago. Covered like a dream! They looked great!
Next, I cut two pieces of scrapbook paper to the size of the frame. Then, I used my Silhouette to cut out two chubby little birds from pink and orange card stock. I use a glue stick to attach the birds to the scrapbook paper. As I was laying the birds out, I decided to swap the beaks, wings and tails to give them a little more interest.
(These are hanging in the same room which doesn't have any windows, one is by the light and the other isn't. The first one is more true to the colors. No matter how much I tinkered with them in Paint.net, I couldn't get them the same color.)
Originally, I'd planned on hanging these cuties in the kitchen, but they just didn't look right with the chrome frames on gray walls.
Here they are hanging in the downstairs bathroom.
And the best part is, they were free! I had the frames, spray paint and scrapbook paper. Cheap, cheap!
Once we get a couple more finishing touches on this room, I'll show you the whole thing. It's turning out very cute!